Every year thousands of young children have to go to hospital: away from home, school and friends and often scared about everything that is going on around them. During their admission to the hospital a lot of attention is of course paid to the medical diagnosis and care. But we should and will not forget about the child behind the ‘disease’.
What is more beautiful than letting all these children get away from it all for just a moment, making them forget that they are sick and showing that they belong. Just like that, by letting them play and encouraging them to always bring out the best in themselves. Despite their disease or long stay in hospital children still have a lot of creativity inside. So let’s focus on their personal expression and increase their joy of life. That’s what we are committed to!
In cooperation with hospitals across Belgium we will launch appeals to all these children to show the best of themselves by making pieces of art, focusing on a specific theme each time. Throughout the year we will give out awards for their dedication. Bringing the best out in every child is our goal, because every child is special!
In addition, we want to encourage hospitals to stimulate the creativity in children and to get children to move. We will be glad to support any initiatives hospitals may take in this respect.